This Trinidadian version of curried chicken is an earthy, rich stew of whole chicken pieces in an aromatic, vibrant broth, spiked with hot chile and a...
Piri-piri chicken is a spicy dish with roots in both Africa and Portugal. The dish was created in Angola and Mozambique when Portuguese settlers arrived...
Smothered pork chops may be an iconic soul food specialty, but this recipe proves you can smother anything. All it really means is coating slow-cooked...
The moderate heat of jalapeños is a perfect counterbalance to this rich filling, a combination of cream cheese and smoked Gouda. The results are nothing...
A marriage between two of our favorite summer fruits, this savory-sweet dish is decorated with soft cheese and a hint of garlic. Served over a crispy baguette,...
You can store this all-purpose sweet-and-spicy vinegar in clean mason jars, but it is easier to keep it in repurposed glass bottles. Note that this recipe...
This cowboy-style "bowl of red" is all about tender chunks of beef chuck and a five-chile-pepper purée. True to Texas tradition, it has no tomatoes and...
Forget about hot wings! These spicy "meatballs" combine white beans and mushrooms for a delicious meatless version of your favorite buffalo-and-blue cheese...
The secret to these ribs is the stunning glaze-these have great depth of flavor with a beautiful hit of sweetness and spice. Marinate them overnight for...
This simple lamb stir-fry is a Kerala specialty. It makes a nice light meal when paired with rava dosa or fried puri-or serve it with dhal, chutney, and...